The Swab Station
Don't forget to toggle timed mode on in the Options menu to try for the leaderboard :)
How To Play:
Fire swabs into dogs' mouths to get their genotypes at a tiny handful of coat color loci.
Hold the mouse button or touch screen to charge the pressure in the swab canister, then release to fire. You can set the difficulty to determine where the dogs spawn.
You can also Set a timed mode to get a 3 minute clock to swab as many dogs as possible!
General "About the game":
This project was mostly to learn some stuff in the Godot engine, and I do not intend to develop it too much more than this.
If you want to learn more about dog coat color genetics so you can tell me I wrote these alleles in wrong, check out http://doggenetics.co.uk/
Bugs, etc.
If you click timer mode on, it doesn't seem to feel like turning off. Simply refresh the page and leave that option unchecked to play free play mode (no timer).
If you are in free play mode, refresh the page to get into the options menu and turn timer on (I apparently didn't code in a back button yet lol)
Game design, "art," coding, etc. by Zach Lounsberry (@YouCarryOats)
Music by Dylan Lounsberry (https://dlounsberry.bandcamp.com/)
Sounds are creative commons 0 from freesound.org or created in https://sfxr.me/
Game thanks in large part to the Godot community for tutorials and inspiration
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